
2024SNEC光伏展 2024年上海光伏展 2024上海SNEC光伏展 2024墨西哥光伏展 2024上海光伏展报名 SNEC光伏及储能展

SNEC2020太阳能光伏展参观 SNEC2020储能和氢能展 SNEC
  • SNEC2020太阳能光伏展参观 SNEC2020储能和氢能展 SNEC
  • SNEC2020太阳能光伏展参观 SNEC2020储能和氢能展 SNEC


标准展位(豪标,3m x 3m):
一区展位(国内企业):RMB13,800/个 一区展位(外资企业):US$3,500/个
二区展位(国内企业):RMB12,800/个 二区展位(外资企业):US$3,500/个
三区展位(国内企业):RMB11,800/个 三区展位(外资企业):US$3,200/个
四区展位(国内企业):RMB10,800/个 四区展位(外资企业):US$3,200/个
基本配置:一张咨询桌、两把折椅、一只废纸篓、一个220V/500W 电源插座、两个射灯、中英文楣板、展位内铺地毯。
一区光地(国内企业):RMB1,380 /M2 一区光地(外资企业):US$350 /M2
二区光地(国内企业):RMB1,280 /M2 二区光地(外资企业):US$350 /M2
三区光地(国内企业):RMB1,180 /M2 三区光地(外资企业):US$320 /M2
四区光地(国内企业):RMB1,080 /M2 四区光地(外资企业):US$320 /M2
本次SNEC储能和氢能“*“由绿色能源理事会、储能联盟、EUPVSEC、ETA-Florence联合组织,上海市经济团体联合会(SFEO)、上海科学技术交流中心(SSTEC)、中国可再生能源学会(CRES)和上海新能源行业协会(SNEIA)牵头主办。会上众多良好学家参加会议开幕式,其中出席本次大会的:大会名誉**、原**参事、科技部原秘书长石定寰;上海市科学技术**副主任傅国庆;上海科学技术交流中心副主任陈东;上海市经济团体联合会会长俞国生;欧盟**联合研究中心能源效率和可再生能源部门前主管Heinz OSSENBRINK博士;江苏省如皋市委常委马金华。出席大会的行业有:绿色能源(GGEIC)理事会**,亚洲光伏产业协会(APVIA)**,中国电力企业联合会副理事长朱共山;中国电动汽车百人会秘书长,大学汽车系教授王贺武。科学家代表有:中国科学院院士、中国电力科学研究院名誉院长周孝信;上海航天工业集团有限公司副总裁,航天智慧能源研究院方建平院长;上海空间电源研究所朱凯所长。会上,行业对会议顺利召开表示热烈祝贺。
上海市发展和改革委员 上海市经济和信息化** 上海市科学技术**
亚洲光伏产业协会(APVIA) 中国可再生能源学会(CRES)
中国循环经济协会可再生能源**(CREIA) 上海市经济团体联合会(SFEO)
上海科学技术开发交流中心(SSTDEC) 上海新能源行业协会(SNEIA)
太阳能学会(ISES) 美国太阳能行业协会(SEIA)
日本太阳光发电协会(JPEA) 亚太光伏产业理事会(APPIC)
中国能源研究会可再生能源** 中国可再生能源学会光伏**(CPVS)
中国可再生能源学会产业工作**(CREIC) 闽台太阳光电产业协会(TPVIA)
印度太阳能联合会(NSEFI) 韩国光伏行业协会(KOPIA)
马来西亚光伏产业协会(MPIA) Solar United
中东太阳能行业协会(MESIA) 沙特阿拉伯太阳能行业协会(SASIA)
Solar GCC Alliance 巴基斯坦可再生能源学会(PRES)
伊朗可再生能源协会 (IrREA) 德国商会大*区德中生态商务平台 (econet china)
Welcome Message
SNEC 14th (2020) International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference (SNEC2020) will take place on May 25-27, 2020 in Shanghai, China. 2020 International Energy Storage and Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Conference will be held concurrently.
The Conference will invite the National Energy Administration, Ministry of Science and Technology, and other relevant governmental departments to present on latest incentives for solar/PV industry. We have invited leading scientists and experts worldwide, such as Prof Martin GREEN from University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, Prof David RENNE, President of International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Dr Michael WOODHOUSE from The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of USA, Prof Armin ABERLE, CEO of Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS), etc. to share their great insights.
The Conference covers key PV Industry’s issues including government incentives, development trends, technical upgrading, conversion efficiency, PV systems, smart grid connection, financing and risk, among others, via various programs incorporating different topics. Apart from the Global Green Energy Leaders Dialogue, Global Green Energy & PV Financial Summit, and Scientific Conference, it will launch the Int’l Energy Storage and Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Conference, to gather policy makers, industry experts and scholars, leading enterprises, financial institutions, consultancies and media, in the field of energy storage, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, and discuss about the policies, cutting-edge technology, market trends, business model, and the financing channels, etc..
There will also be Industry Workshops on Balance of System and O&M of PV Plants, High Efficiency Solar Cells, Auxiliary Materials, Technologies Related, PV Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, and the Graphene Photoelectric Application Summit, Industry Workshop on Global PV Markets as well as Energy Internet Technologies and Application Summit. It aims to gather participants from leading PV companies, market research institutes, financial institutions and media, industrial experts and scholars, as well as the public to discuss extensively on the sustainable development of the solar industry, collaboration and developing strategies for the Asian, European and North American markets.
It is an opportunity that you cannot miss to stay up to date on the technology and market, present your results to the community, and network with industrial experts, scholars and entrepreneurs and colleagues. We look forward to meeting with you at SNEC2020!


